It looks like the random number generator has chosen Jacqueline to receive the pay it forward box. This means the box is going all the way to Scotland! Congratulations Jacqueline, your box will be mailed soon.
Yippee! Boy do I love that random generator! Today has been a great day. Spent time with my parents, took Cooper swimming for the first time and now i've won a prize. I will be going to bed happy tonight. xx
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There are a few Amazon links in the posts. Thanks in advance if you click on one.
Note: ALL THE IMAGES FROM THIS BLOG WERE ACCIDENTALLY DELETED ON 1-21-12. I'M RESTORING THEM, POST BY POST, BUT IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME. Recipe pages you visit may be missing photos, but all the text in intact. If you find a post without images, let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
Yippee! Boy do I love that random generator! Today has been a great day. Spent time with my parents, took Cooper swimming for the first time and now i've won a prize. I will be going to bed happy tonight. xx