March 09, 2008

Grilled cheez- again

Now, doesn't this look good? I'm really getting mileage out of the cheez I made for a recent post. There was still some leftover and I needed lunch so I spread it on stale sourdough bread, topped it with leftover chipotle in adobo sauce (my favorite) and put some small sliced tomato on top. This I put in the toaster oven and toasted until the cheez was hot and "melted," and it tasted great. Gotta love that cheez sauce!

1 comment:

  1. tried the cheez recipe, love it! if you’re ever not in the mood to cook, i found a cool company that you should look up…vegin’ out, they’re called. They deliver a week of vegan meals…I know they deliver to California, I’m not sure about anywhere else, but I thought you might wanna check them out… have a good one!



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