
The winner of the "Peta's Vegan College Cookbook" giveaway is Jennifer. (There was more than one Jennifer. The other Jennifer, who didn't win, was Jennifer B.) Please send your mailing address to me by midnight Friday, May 22 at: cookeasyvegan@gmail.com and I'll post the book to you a.s.a.p. Congratulations and happy cooking!


Prairie trillium with fly
Instead of posting pictures of food today I'm posting pictures from my spring garden. I suppose I should be posting about the Egyptian onions, rhubarb and lettuce, but I've been obsessed with taking photos of flowers so here are a few from my collection.


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Note: ALL THE IMAGES FROM THIS BLOG WERE ACCIDENTALLY DELETED ON 1-21-12. I'M RESTORING THEM, POST BY POST, BUT IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME. Recipe pages you visit may be missing photos, but all the text in intact. If you find a post without images, let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!