October 03, 2013

Raw Snacks winner

I used the handy random number generator to pick a winner for the Raw Snacks bars giveaway, and the number that came up was #7, Molly, from Rambling Vegans. Here's something a little weird. I sent Molly an email this morning telling her she was the winner and asking her to send me her address. I hadn't heard from her but started writing my post anyway, thinking I'd post it when I got her confirmation. Just as I typed her name, her email popped up! One or both of us must be psychic.

To choose a winner, I had planned to use the same selection method I used for my last giveaway, which was to write each name on a slip of paper and have Callie pick a name, but neither one of us was in the mood.

We were both feeling a tad lazy, so the random generator got the job. Congratulations to Molly!


  1. Thanks Andrea! That's funny about my email popping up as soon as you typed my name. Laurie and I get that kind of thing happening a lot and call it the "vegan mind meld". :)

    Callie is just so adorable. Such a sweet face. <3

    1. You're welcome! I really hope you like the bars.

  2. You are scaring me now, Andrea. Why did I read this before I go to bed?
    Congrats Molly.

    1. You don't need to worry unless I show up in your dreams.

  3. Callie has the best hair! Congratulations to Molly.

    1. She does have good hair. Is it fair for a dog to have better hair than me?

  4. Awww...Callie looks like a puppy in that picture :-)


    1. I think Callie will always be a cuddly puppy. :)

  5. Congratulations to the winner & what an adorable puppy!

  6. Aw, lucky Molly! I wish I had seen that giveaway, sniff.


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