October 30, 2009

Speculoos smoothie, veganmofo 2009

When I was a child, once a year my mother used to buy ginger snap cookies in an rustle-y orange paper sack. These cookies were only available in October. They were large and flat and crackled on top.

They seemed very hard and crunchy on the outside but when I started chewing them, they got tacky, and stuck to my teeth. My mother and I loved these spicy cookies, looked forward to them every year and lamented the fact that we couldn't buy them whenever we wanted.

I would open the bag and inhale their spiciness. The fragrance was so strong I could almost taste the cookies before they touched my lips.

Today I added speculoos spice blend and a small amount of agave nectar to my almond milk-banana-mango smoothie, and when I took my first mouthful, I heard the rustle of that orange paper sack, smelled the gingersnaps, and saw my mother's smile.


  1. What a wonderful story! I'm going to make that smoothie.

  2. Wow--thanks for the link to the spice blend! It sounds fabulous..what a lovely and seasonal mix! And I just happen to have everything on hand...I am making some now!


  3. Mihl,
    Thank you so much for providing that spice blend!

    The spice blend is special. I think you'll like it.

  4. Ahhh I love when there's a story behind a food, especially if it's a special smoothie. Ginger snaps would DEFINITELY go well with you blend. Your momma is a genius!! Thank you for recreating it and sharing the memories with us. :) I would love to try this at home.

  5. Such a touching post.
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thanks Michelle and Kiki for your thoughtful comments.

  7. At first I thought you'd blended some cookies into your smoothie. . .though, hey, that wouldn't be all bad! Looks great. :)

  8. Holy crap, does that sound amazing. I've been really into smoothies lately, so I'll have to try making one like this too!

  9. Mmmmm I love love love spekulaas cookies!!! Having a dutch Dad they were a big part of my childhood. The only vegan one's I can find though are full of hydrogenated oils :( Thank you for a link to a spice blend that I can now make anything taste like them! Yum!! I love the addition to a smoothie too. Mmmm.

  10. Ricki,
    No cookies -just the spice mix. :)

    I've been making so many I have to mix up another batch of spice mix.

    I've never actually tasted the real thing but this spice blend tastes great to me!


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